Species of Interest...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Repticon Dallas, Part 4: Review & Upcoming Shows

Now, let's review...

Although not my first reptile or pet show, this was my first Repticon and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I'd heard both good and not-so-good things beforehand. Overall, I will say that it was worth the $5-15/ticket for a fun weekend of talking to other herp people, seeing so many species/morphs, and picking up a few deals. The VIP goodie bag, doorprizes, silent auction, etc. were all great bonuses for me. Repticon will be back in Dallas (Ennis) on October 19th & 20th and I definitely recommend coming out for at least an afternoon.

There are a few things that I'm looking forward to being improved or showcased more at future Repticon shows (or other reptile shows). First, I would love to see the silent auction fundraiser continued in the future and expanded to both days. This will require more donations/support from the vendors and herp hobbyists, but I would like to see it continue (whether for the Leander Rattlesnake Fest or another charity) and am happy to support it. The silent auction is a great addition to Repticon.

Second, I enjoyed the few talks I was able to catch in the presentations area. Most of the presenters were well-prepared for their talks, were knowledgeable about their topic/organization, and made an effort to interact with their audience. But, the location for the talks was a bit cumbersome for presenters and show goers. I would love to see these talks taken up a notch by moving them to a separate room (i.e. the back dining room of KJT) or using room dividers to create a low traffic/quiet area for the presentations. I also look forward to more variety in presentation topics.

Lastly, I would love to see this event grow and move to a location closer to Dallas. Being in Ennis instead of the Dallas area, this event ends up being an hour drive unless you live in south Dallas. Local animal ordinances and permitting issues may limit where the show can be held, so it may take some time before we see this move.

Where to get your next reptile fix...

Back of the Repticon Dallas post card featuring a list of upcoming Repticon shows across the US.

If you are in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the Lone Star Reptile Expo is held five times a year and their next iteration will be on May 16th & 17th. I'm looking forward to attending and would love to hear from other herp hobbyists who will be going, as well. If you have a request for pictures (maybe of your favorite species or a particular vendor booth) or information, please leave a comment below.

I am also looking forward to (possibly) attending NARBC (North American Reptile Breeders Conference) at the Arlington Convention Center in Arlington, TX on August 10th & 11th.

For Texans outside the DFW area, there will be several reptile shows this summer:
Stay tuned for more posts about Repitcon Dallas next week, as I feature some of my favorite vendors and share a ton of pictures. If you missed my earlier posts about Repticon Dallas, check out "Part 1: When, Where, & Who Was There", "Part 2: What's Inside the Zoo Med VIP Bag?", and "Part 3: My Herp Haul".

[Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Repticon, Exo Terra, Zoo Med, or any of the other sponsors of Repticon. I was not asked to write these blog posts and was not compensated for them. Everything in these articles are my own observations and opinions.]

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