Species of Interest...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

New Editions to the Pacman Pack

At Repticon last week, I picked up two new Horned Frogs (aka Pacman Frogs) for the home zoo. They are doing well and have acclimated well to their new homes. I'm holding off on officially naming them until they get past quarantine and I have a better idea of their personalities. For now, the Fantasy Horned Frog (Ceratophrys cornuta x C. cranwelli) is being called "Thing One" and the Ornate Horned Frog (C. ornata) is being called "Thing Two".

Here are some pictures of Thing One...

"Thing One", a Fantasy Horned Frog. Front view.
"Thing One", a Fantasy Horned Frog. Side view.
"Thing One", a Fantasy Horned Frog. Top view.
"Thing One", a Fantasy Horned Frog. Back view.
Note the tell-tale "butterfly wings" of the fantasy frogs and medium "horns".
And, Thing Two...

"Thing Two", an Ornate Horned Frog. Front view.
"Thing Two", an Ornate Horned Frog. Side view.
"Thing Two", an Ornate Horned Frog. Top view.
"Thing Two", an Ornate Horned Frog. Back view.
"Thing Two", an Ornate Horned Frog. A closeup of the false eye spots of ornate horned frogs.
 I'll post more pictures and possibly some video in a week or two.

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