Species of Interest...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Picture of the Week: Hey, There's Something on Your Nose

An oldie, but goodie. This picture was taken about two months ago. (Sorry for the water spots.)

Hey, Pakku, there's something on your nose!

~crosses eyes, snap~

You got it!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's Feeding Time!

Today, I'm sharing some videos of Thing One and Thing Two being fed. After many unsuccessful (and quite laughable) attempts at getting video for these two, I finally ended up with two decent videos. As you can see in the first video, Thing One is a very enthusiastic eater and frequently targets the tongs. I am anticipating that Thing One is the most likely candidate to give me my first Pacman bite. Knock on wood, that hasn't happened yet. Thing Two, on the other hand, is quickly gaining the nickname Mr. Picky for his/her habit of ignoring bugs on the ground and only taking certain dubia from the tongs. But, he has the cutest way of opening his/her mouth for food when he does eat.

Monday, May 6, 2013

AsiaFest & Turtles at Haggard Park in Plano, TX

On Saturday, we spent some time in Plano, TX. We were there to check out the 10 anniversary of Plano's AsiaFest in Haggard Park, but we also did some shopping and sightseeing in the historical downtown district.

Of course, I spent most of the time watching the Tae Kwon Do demonstrations.
Black belts from Lee's U.S. Tae Kwon Do Academy going through forms in place.
Great front snap kick!
I really need to get back into martial arts classes. I'm missing breaking things...on purpose.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Picture of the Week: Pakku, the Ninja Frog

Ninja Pakku says "I'm Ninja Frog! You cannot see me....

...Why are you looking at me?...


...Blasted human!"

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Pakku croaked!

The good kind of croaking, that is. After weeks of swearing I heard random croaks coming from Pakku's terrarium, I finally captured a couple croaks on my cell phone.

Sorry for the quality. It was a quick recording using my voice notes app. I'm hoping to catch him on video croaking with the HD camera and use the microphone attachment to get better sound quality. But, you know what they say about working with animals...

Next time I have to handle him, I'll check his front feet again for nuptial pads, but there weren't any discernible ones last time I handled him. His throat does look more grey and spotted than previously, so I've been leaning more and more towards declaring Pakku a male.